CF Moto listed part number is 0JWA-041000-10010 / 0JWA-041000-10020Please check your crankshaft with mark A or B.Crankshaft can not changed, but conne..
CF Moto listed part number is 0800-0400060800-040006-0001 1.514-1.517 Red 0800-040006-0002 1.517-1.520 Black0800-040006-0003 1.520-1.523 Blue Width: 1..
CF Moto listed part number is0800-040006-0001 1.514-1.517 Red 0800-040006-0002 1.517-1.520 Black0800-040006-0003 1.520-1.523 Blue Width: 15mmCrankshaf..
CF Moto listed part number is0800-040006-0001 1.514-1.517 Red 0800-040006-0002 1.517-1.520 Black0800-040006-0003 1.520-1.523 Blue Width: 15mmCrankshaf..
CF Moto listed part number is 0800-0400B0-0001 / 0800-0400B0-0002, It is interchangeable for the piston mark I and II.
Mark I: 90.94-90.95mm
Mark II:..